These cases represent those occurring during the school year at Cascia Hall beginning August 18, 2021 (updated through May 9, 2022). Anyone potentially exposed to COVID will be notified immediately.

Cascia Hall will not accept an antibody test at this time to determine or lessen quarantines.  Per the Tulsa Health Department, the antibody test is not a definitive measure to determine if a person contracted Covid-19.
Total cases
among our students:
Total cases
among our faculty/staff:

2021 - 22 COVID PROTOCOL (updated January 31, 2022)

  • We will return to a normal schedule and normal in-person instruction for the fall.
  • We are eliminating scenarios B (hybrid) and C (distance) as outlined in the 2020 Fall Planning Guide.
  • Masks will be optional for faculty, staff, students, and visitors. 
  • We will be reverting to our normal food service in the dining hall.
  • Mrs. Carla Fox will continue to serve as our contact person for all information regarding COVID. Please continue to contact her when a student or family member tests positive so that we can do the requisite contact tracing and notifications.
  • We encourage, but do not require, all to seek the vaccination in accordance with the recommendations of the CDC and THD.
  • If your child has been fully vaccinated, please give Mrs. Fox a copy of your child's vaccination card.
  • Students who are fully vaccinated will not need to quarantine when a case is reported to us and we conduct our contact tracing.
  • Those who are required to quarantine as per the guidelines of the CDC and THD (outlined below) will be afforded online instruction for the duration of their quarantine. 
Are you following CDC Guidelines?
CDC guidelines continue to evolve as more is learned about the virus and the impact it is having on our communities. The CDC has deferred to localities and has stressed the importance of returning to school. Our current protocols are based upon consultation with the CDC and Tulsa Health Department, the physical and mental needs of our students, and the experience our school community has had with this virus.

How will you be contact tracing?
We are continuing our current protocols with the following update:

  • Any student or faculty/staff member who is not fully vaccinated yet has been determined to have possible close contact with a confirmed positive case:
    • A phone call will be made alerting the parent of the student to the possible close contact.
      • If the student is asymptomatic, he/she will not be quarantined, but recommended to wear a mask for 5 days, and monitor symptoms; this student does have the option to quarantine.
      • If the student is symptomatic, he/she will quarantine for 5 full days from the onset of symptoms or test date and return on the 6th day as long as he/she is symptom-free for 24 hours, and recommended to wear a mask for 5 days. 
Are there exceptions to quarantine?
Yes, exceptions will be those students who have a valid vaccination card on file at the school and are fully vaccinated at the time of exposure (fully vaccinated is defined as two weeks after the second dose). Another exception is students who tested positive and were exposed within 90 days of their positive test.

My child has been quarantined. Can they learn from home?
Quarantining exposed students is important to keep our community safe. While doing that we do not want to risk their education and so we will continue to share instruction with them while they are at home.

If my child is quarantined can they still go to practice or take part in any other school events?
No, quarantine means minimal to no contact with others who may be at risk if you carry the virus. We do not want to inadvertently risk the health or well-being of others and so anyone quarantined must not be in contact with anyone else until they are sure they do not have the virus themselves. This may be applied differently at home with family members but in order to reduce risk of spread, contact with others should be minimal.
Can my child wear a mask?
Yes, students are permitted to wear masks.

Can my child wear a mask on a school bus?
Masks are recommended on all school buses for school events.

What do I do if my child is sick?
If your child is sick, please keep them at home and speak with your doctor. If your doctor recommends a COVID-19 test, please remain home until you have a negative result. If your child tests positive, please let us know so that we may contact trace and  students should stay at home for the required period. 

My child is sick. Can they learn at home?
If your child is sick then it is more important that they convalesce. Therefore online teaching will not be made available to them. Once they are recovered, please contact their teacher about resuming work and getting them back on track. 

We have a family member who tested positive. Can my child continue to go to school?
This depends on whether or not your child has been vaccinated. Please refer to the chart above.

Are you still cleaning the school?
Yes, we are continuing to clean the school. Cleaning supplies and hand sanitizer will still be available around the school to be used as needed. It continues to be important for all students to wash their hands and maintain good hygiene.

Can students use backpacks?
Yes but lockers will be available.

Will students be socially distanced?
The CDC continues to adjust their recommendations while also stressing the importance of in person learning. The vaccine allows us to be in closer contact with one another with minimal risk. Students may also choose to wear a mask, but we will not be focused on socially distancing our students when in the classroom.

My child cannot be vaccinated. What can I do to keep them safe?
If your child cannot be vaccinated, it is recommended that masks be worn. I don't feel that school is safe. Can my child learn online?
Online learning is not available. We have seen that learning in person is the optimal form of learning and the vaccine has made in person learning as safe as it can be at the moment.

I tested positive. What should I do?
All persons testing positive should isolate until the virus has run its course. All positive cases, even if previously vaccinated, must be quarantined for 5 days from the date of the test. Those who test positive can return to school after 5 days from the test if there is no fever for 24 hours without fever reducing medicine and the symptoms have begun to subside.
Precautionary measures
  • If you are feeling sick please remain at home until the symptoms subside or you are 24 hours fever free (without fever reducing medicine). Always wear a mask, keep your distance whenever possible, and wash your hands.

Important Contact Numbers
Carla Fox 918-746-2602
Tulsa Health Department (THD) 918-582-WELL (9355)

Definitions (per THD website)

Quarantine is used to keep someone who might have been exposed to COVID-19 away from others. Quarantine helps prevent spread of disease that can occur before a person knows they are sick or if they are infected with the virus without feeling symptoms. 

Isolation is used to separate people infected with the virus from people who are not infected. People who are in isolation should stay home until it’s safe for them to be around others. When you can be around others (end home isolation) depends on different factors for different situations. Find CDC’s recommendations for your situation.

Asymptomatic means a person who does not report or appear to have any symptoms or signs of illness. Asymptomatic persons who have been in close contact with a person who has the virus must still quarantine for 14 days since last contact.
Have questions?
Please email Carla Fox at

Cascia Hall Fall Planning Guide 2020