Watt Addresses Upper School Students

The Commandos Diversity Committee and Campus Ministry Office members of the Tulsa Community to speak at morning Chapel about faith and diversity.

The first speaker was Adrienne Watt Nesser '95 who spoke on Wednesday in Upper School Chapel about her experiences of faith and diversity. Adrienne is chair of the board of directors of the Oklahoma Center for Community and Justice (OCCJ) and is an attorney with Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma. She spoke about her Catholic faith informing her belief that God loves all people equally and that all people thus have equal dignity. She also encouraged the students to participate in immersive experiences of diversity, such as OCCJ's Anytown Leadership Institute, which boasts many Cascia alumni, to educate themselves about the realities of diversity issues, and to forge real relationships with people who are different than themselves.

Mrs. Nesser will return on March 12 to address the Middle School students during their Chapel time.